Business Co-operation and Full Chain of Technical Services

Nowadays, more and more advanced and innovative technologies are moving from laboratory to clinical application, and the direction represented by innovative immunotherapy is facing unprecedented opportunities, which opens up a brand-new way of thinking for the treatment of intractable human diseases and will have a revolutionary impact on human health.

To grasp the new trend of accelerated iteration of global advanced technology, it is necessary to gather basic, clinical, industrial, regulatory and other synergistic linkage, cooperation and research, including from the prospective layout of the original innovation, clinical translation and application, industry upstream and downstream synergy, regulatory assistance, policy support and so on.

The Institute actively expands the flexible cooperation mode with cutting-edge innovative enterprises, supports the research and development, clinical translation, and industrial application of advanced innovative technologies and drugs, and provides the whole chain of technical services to accelerate the R&D and marketing of products and successful transformation, thus promoting the high-quality development of scientific and technological innovation and industry.

Technical Service Contents Detailed content
Pharmacological Evaluation CMC Development Strategy
IIT studies Clinical site screening, clinical indication selection, study protocols, study tracking, biospecimen analysis
Registration IND/NDA registration filing strategy, regulatory counselling, change strategy
Compliance Evaluation GMP compliance evaluation, research and development compliance, post-market changes

Contact: Dr. Wang

