Zhi Liu, Ph.D.
Investigator, Shanghai Immune Therapy Institute
Investigator, Shanghai Immune Therapy Institute
Dr. Liu graduated from Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences with a PhD in 2016, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher and research associate  at Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA, from 2016-2022, where he received the Melvin Cohn Award.He joined Shanghai Immune Therapy Institute in January 2023 as a group leader, and his research interests include understanding how immune cells orchestrate their immune and non-immune functions to regulate tissue homeostasis, repair and regeneration.  He has published several research papers as the first author in Nature Immunology, Nature Communications, Cell Death Differ, J Mol Cell Biol . Moreover, he also contributes a News & Views article to Nature.
Research Areas
Adaptive immunity, including Regulatory T cell (Treg) and helper T cell (Th) development, differentiation, and  immune and non-immune functions  in tissue  repair and regeneration, autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases, and tumours.
Research Direction

1. Immune and non-immune functions of  Treg cells in non-lymphoid tissues.

2. Three-dimensional genome and epigenetic regulation of Treg and Th cells

3. Thymic epitheial cell and thymus regeneration

2022 美国Melvin Cohn Award
32370937国家自然科学基金面上项目,糖皮质激素信号通过调节性T细胞促进骨骼肌再生的分子机制研究, 2024-2027,项目负责人
2023.1-至今 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院、上海市免疫治疗创新研究院 研究员
2022.7-2022.12 美国索尔克生物研究所 高级研究工作者 (Senior Research Associate)
2016.7-2022.6 美国索尔克生物研究所 博士后
2009.9-2016.1 中国科学院大学上海生命科学研究院 博士
2005.9-2009.7 安徽师范大学 生物科学 本科
1.Liu Z, Hu X, Liang Y, Yu J, Li H, Shokhirev, M, Zheng Y. Glucocorticoid signaling and regulatory T cells cooperate to maintain the hair-follicle stem-cell niche.  Nat Immunol. 2022 Jul;23(7):1086-1097. highlighted by Research Briefing in the same issue.
2.Liu Z*, Zhang H*, Hu Y*, Liu D, Li L, Li C, Wang Q, Huo J, Liu H, Xie N, Huang X, Liu Y, Chen CD, Shi Y, Zhang X. Critical role of histone H3 lysine 27 demethylase Kdm6b in the homeostasis and function of medullary thymic epithelial cells. Cell Death Differ. 2020 Oct;27(10):2843-2855.
3.Liu Z*, Cao W*, Xu L, Chen X, Zhan Y, Yang Q, Liu S, Chen P, Jiang Y, Sun X, Tao Y, Hu Y, Li C, Wang Q, Wang Y, Chen CD, Shi Y, Zhang X. The histone H3 lysine-27 demethylase Jmjd3 plays a critical role in specific regulation of Th17 cell differentiation. J Mol Cell Biol. 2015 Dec;7(6):505-16.
4.Zhang H*, Hu Y*, Liu D*, Liu Z, Xie N, Liu S, Zhang J, Jiang Y, Li C, Wang Q, Chen X, Ye D, Sun D, Zhai Y, Yan X, Liu Y, Chen CD, Huang X, Chin YE, Shi Y, Wu B, Zhang X. The histone demethylase Kdm6b regulates the maturation and cytotoxicity of TCRαβ+ CD8αα+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes. Cell Death Differ. 2022 Jul;29(7):1349-1363.
5.Hu Y*, Zhang H*, Xie N, Liu D, Jiang Y, Liu Z, Ye D, Liu S, Chen X, Li C, Huang X, Liu Y, Shi Y, Zhang X. Bcl-3 promotes TNF-induced hepatocyte apoptosis by regulating the deubiquitination of RIP1. Cell Death Differ. 2022 Jun;29(6):1176-1186.
6.Wang Q, Chen X, Jiang Y, Liu S, Liu H, Sun X, Zhang H, Liu Z, Tao Y, Li C, Hu Y, Liu D, Ye D, Liu Y, Wang M, Zhang X. Elevating H3K27me3 level sensitizes colorectal cancer to oxaliplatin. J Mol Cell Biol. 2020 Feb 20;12(2):125-137.
7.Jiang Y, Li C, Wu Q, An P, Huang L, Wang J, Chen C, Chen X, Zhang F, Ma L, Liu S, He H, Xie S, Sun Y, Liu H, Zhan Y, Tao Y, Liu Z, Sun X, Hu Y, Wang Q, Ye D, Zhang J, Zou S, Wang Y, Wei G, Liu Y, Shi Y, Chin YE, Hao Y, Wang F, Zhang X. Iron-dependent histone 3 lysine 9 demethylation controls B cell proliferation and humoral immune responses. Nat Commun. 2019 Jul 3;10(1):2935.
8.Zhang Y, Xin D, Wang Z, Song X, Sun Y, Zou Q, Yue J, Zhang C, Zhang J, Liu Z, Zhang X, Zhao T, Su B, Chi YE. STAT4 activation by leukemia inhibitory factor confers a therapeutic effect on intestinal inflammation. EMBO J. 2019 Mar 15;38(6):e99595.
9.Tao Y, Liu Z, Hou Y, Wang S, Liu S, Jiang Y, Tan D, Ge Q, Li C, Hu Y, Liu Z, Chen X, Wang Q, Wang M, Zhang X. Alternative NF-κB signaling promotes colorectal tumorigenesis through transcriptionally upregulating Bcl-3. Oncogene. 2018 Nov;37(44):5887-5900.
10.Liu S, Sun X, Wang M, Hou Y, Zhan Y, Jiang Y, Liu Z, Cao X, Chen P, Liu Z, Chen X, Tao Y, Xu C, Miao J, Cheng C, Li C, Hu Y, Wang L, Chin YE, Shi Y, Siebenlist U, Zhang X. A microRNA 221– and 222–Mediated Feedback Loop Maintains Constitutive Activation of NFκB and STAT3 in Colorectal Cancer Cells. Gastroenterology. 2014 Oct;147(4):847-859.
11.Liu Z#, Zheng Y#. An immune-cell transcription factor tethers DNA together. Nature. 2023 Dec;624(7991):255-256.
12.Liu Z*, Lee DS*, Hu X, Liang Y, Zheng Y#, Dixon, J.R#. Foxp3 orchestrates reorganization of chromatin architecture for establishing regulatory T cell Identity. Nat Commun. 2023 Nov 6;14(1):6943.