Guotong Fu, Ph.D.
Investigator, Shanghai Immune Therapy Institute
Investigator, Shanghai Immune Therapy Institute

Dr. Fu received his Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University in 2017 and then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in the United States from 2017 to 2022. He is a Pujiang talent in Shanghai. He joined Shanghai Immune Therapy Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine-Affiliated Renji Hospital in 2022.

Dr. Fu has a long-standing interest in studying the differentiation and function of CD4+ helper T cells. He has taken the fate decision of Tfh and Th17 cell differentiation as the core scientific question and has discovered that: (1) CDP–ethanolamine pathway as a selective metabolic and post-transcriptional checkpoint to program Tfh cell differentiation, and established the signaling function of de novo PE synthesis for underpinning the fate decisions of effector T cells. (2) ROS scavenger N-acetyl cysteine boosts Th17 cell differentiation in a MINK1-dependent manner and exacerbates the severity of EAE. In recent years, Dr. Fu made original works published in Nature and JEM as lead author and did cooperative studies published in Nature, Cell, PNAS, and Osteoarthritis Cartilage as co-author.

Currently, Dr. Fu's lab focusing on T cell differentiation, metabolism, and tumor immunity, aiming to apply multiple systems biology tools, such as CRISPR screening, single-cell sequencing, and spatial transcriptomics, etc., to combine with disease modeling to reveal the mechanism of tumor immunity, and the mechanism of T cell immunomodulation, which will provide new strategies to help the human body fight against related immune system diseases.

Research Areas
T cell differentiation, metabolism and tumour immunity
Research Direction

1.Th cells function

2.T cell Metabolism in tumour immunity

3.CRISPR and multi-omics screen to study T cell biology

2022 上海市浦江人才
2022.01-至今 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院、上海市免疫治疗创新研究院 研究员
2017.07-2021.07 美国圣犹达儿童研究医院
2013.09-2017.03 浙江大学 博士
2010.09-2013.06 哈尔滨医科大学 硕士
2006.09-2010.06 哈尔滨医科大学 本科
1.Guotong Fu, Clifford S Guy, Nicole M Chapman, Gustavo Palacios, Jun Wei, Peipei Zhou, Lingyun Long, Yong-Dong Wang, Chenxi Qian, Yogesh Dhungana, Hongling Huang, Anil KC, Hao Shi, Sherri Rankin, Scott A Brown, Amanda Johnson, Randall Wakefield, Camenzind G Robinson, Xueyan Liu, Anthony Sheyn, Jiyang Yu, Suzanne Jackowski, Hongbo Chi. Metabolic control of TFH cells and humoral immunity by phosphatidylethanolamine. Nature. 2021 Jul;595(7869):724-729.
2.Guotong Fu, Qin Xu, Yuanjun Qiu, Xuexiao Jin, Ting Xu, Shunli Dong, Jianli Wang, Yuehai Ke, Hu, Hu, Xuetao Cao, Di Wang, Harvey Cantor, Xiang Gao, Linrong Lu. Suppression of Th17 cell d ifferentiation by misshapen/NIK-related kinase MINK1. J Exp Med. 2017 May 1;214(5):1453-1469.
3.Hongling Huang, Peipei Zhou, Jun Wei, Lingyun Long, Hao Shi, Yogesh Dhungana, Nicole M Ch apman, Guotong Fu, Jordy Saravia, Jana L Raynor, Shaofeng Liu, Gustavo Palacios, Yong-Dong Wang, Chenxi Qian, Jiyang Yu, Hongbo Chi , In vivo CRISPR screening reveals nutrient signaling processe s underpinning CD8+ T cell fate decisions. Cell. 2021 Mar 4;184(5):1245-1261.e21.
4.Lingyun Long, Jun Wei, Seon Ah Lim, Jana L. Raynor, Hao Shi, Jon P. Connelly, Hong Wang, Cliff Guy, Boer Xie, Nicole M. Chapman, Guotong Fu, Yanyan Wang, Hongling Huang, Wei Su, Jordy Sa ravia, Isabel Risch, Yong-Dong Wang, Yuxin Li, Mingming Niu, Yogesh Dhungana, Anil KC, Peipei Zho u, Peter Vogel, Jiyang Yu, Shondra M. Pruett-Miller, Junmin Peng, Hongbo Chi. CRISPR screens unveil signal hubs for nutrient licensing of T cell immunity. Nature. 2021 Dec;600(7888):308-313.
5.Qin Xu, Xuexiao Jin, Mingzhu Zheng, Deepak Rohila, Guotong Fu, Zhuoyu Wen, Jun lou, Songq uan Wu, Richard Sloan, Lie Wang, Hu Hu, Xiang Gao, Linrong Lu. Phosphatase PP2A is essential for Th17 cell differntiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2019 Jan 15;116(3):982-987.
6.D. Yu, J. Hu, Z. Sheng, G. Fu, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, Z. Pan, X. Zhang, Y. Wu, H. Sun, J. Dai, L. Lu, H. Ouyang , Dual roles of misshapen/NIK-related kinase (MINK1) in osteoarthritis subtypes through the activation of TGFb signaling. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2020 Jan;28(1):112-121.
7.Jun Lou; Xiawei Li; Wei Huang; Jingjing Liang; Mingzhu Zheng; Ting Xu; Jun Lyu; Dan Li; Qin Xu; Xuexiao Jin; Guotong Fu; Di Wang; Linrong Lu ; SNX10 promotes phagosome maturation in macrophages and protects mice against Listeria monocytogenes infection, Oncotarget, 2017, 8(33): 53935-53947                                     .