Lai Guan Ng 教授
Lai Guan Ng 为上海市免疫治疗创新研究院资深研究员(Senior Investigator)。从2015年到2021年期间,在国际期刊发表了超过60篇SCI文章,其中超过20篇为通讯作者/共同通讯作者文章。根据Google Scholar统计,目前文章总引用超过15000次,h-index达到60;并于2020、2021、2022、2023年度连续四年在全球领域被评为“论文高被引用科学家”(Highly Cited Researcher)。

2020-2023年 年度论文高被引用科学家(Highly Cited Researcher (Web of Science),2021,2021,2022,2023)

2018年 年度新加坡科技局“良师益友”奖(The Most Inspiring Mentor (A*STAR),2018)




H18/01/a0/018,Industry Alignment Fund (Pre-positioning),Cancer lmmunoTherapy Imaging (CITI) Programme: Precision Immune Cell Imaging for Precision Cancer lmmunotherapy,2018-09 至 2023-08,参与

H19/01/a0/024,Industry Alignment Fund (Pre-positioning),SInGapore ImmuNogrAm for Immuno-OncoLogy (SIGNAL),2019-06 至 2023-06,参与

F00021&F00022,新加坡政府项目,SIgN Intramural Core Funding,2010-04 至 2022-03,主持

CMTi-NHIC2/2006,NHG CMTi and National Health Innovation Centre Singapore (NHIC),Joint MedTech Grant Automation of tissue optical clearing processe,2021-03 至 2022-02,参与

H16/01/a0/002,Industry Alignment Fund (Pre-positioning),Humanized NOG Mice for ImmunoTherapy (HuNIT),2017-04 至 2021-04,参与

SIG18027,National Healthcare Group, Skin Innovation Grant, Modulation of biomaterial-mediated wound healing response by biomimetic polymeric surface, 2018-10 至 2020-03, 参与

APP1106439,National Health and Medical Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council Project Grant,Dynamics and mechanisms of immune complex-mediated skin inflammation,2016-01 至 2019-01,主持

NMRC/CBRG/0084/2015,National Medical Research Council, coorperative basic research grant,Mast cell-driven T cell responses during acute viral infection,2015-07 至 2018-07,参与

SRG/14019,National Healthcare Group, Skin Research Grant,Pathophysiology of itch in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis,2014-08 至 2017-07,主持

SIG/15001,National Healthcare Group, small innovative grant,Genomic Profiling of Type III Hypersensitivity in Cutaneous Vasculitis,2015-07 至 2017-06,主持

新加坡政府项目,Development of cross-platform imaging probes for the study of neutrophil function in vivo,2014-06至2015-05,主持


2021.12-至今 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院、上海市免疫治疗创新研究院 资深研究员

2009.11-2021.12 新加坡科技局免疫研究院 研究员

2007.7-2009.11 悉尼大学 博士后

2006.4-2007.6 威斯塔研究所 博士后

2004.9-2006.3 新加坡科技局分子和细胞生物学研究院 博士后

2001.4-2004.12 新南威尔士大学 免疫学 博士

2000.3-2001.4 新南威尔士大学 药理学 荣誉学士

1997.2-2000.3 悉尼大学 医药科学 本科


1.I. W. H. Kwok*, E. Becht, Y. Xia, M. Ng, Y. C. Teh, L. Tan, M. Evrard, J. L.Y. Li, H. T. N. Tran, Y. Tan, D. Liu, A. Mishra, K. H. Liong, K. Leong, Y. Zhang, A. Olsson, C. K. Mantri, P. Shyamsunder, Z. Liu, C. Piot, C. A. Dutertre, H. Cheng, S. Bari, N. Ang, S. K. Biswas, H. P. Koeffler, H. L. Tey, A. Larbi, I. H. Su, B. Lee, A. St. John, J. K. Y. Chan, W. Y. K. Hwang, J. Chen, N. Salomonis, S. Z. Chong, H. L. Grimes, B. Liu, A. Hidalgo, E. W. Newell, T. Cheng, F. Ginhoux and L. G. Ng*. 2020. Combinatorial single-cell analyses of granulocyte-monocyte progenitor heterogeneity reveals an early uni-potent neutrophil progenitor Immunity 53:303

2.G. Feng#, J. L. Y. Li#, C. Claser, A. Balachander, Y. Tan, C. C. Goh, I. W. H. Kwok, L. Rénia, B. Z. Tang, L. G. Ng*, B. Liu*. 2018. Dual modal ultra-bright nanodots with aggregation-induced emission and gadolinium-chelation for vascular integrity and leakage detection. Biomaterials 152:77

3.M. Evrard#*, I. W.H. Kwok#, S. Z. Chong, K. W.W. Teng, E. Becht, J. Chen, J. L. Sieow, H. Leong Penny, C. C. Goh, S. Devi, J. M. Adrover, J. L.Y. Li, K. H. Liong, L. Tan, Z. Poon, S. Foo, J. W. Chua, I. H. Su, K. Balabanian, F. Bachelerie, S. K. Biswas, A. Larbi, W. Y.K. Hwang, V. Madan, H. P. Koeffler, S. C. Wong, E. W. Newell, A. Hidalgo, F. Ginhoux, L. G. Ng*. 2018. Developmental analysis of bone marrow neutrophils reveals populations specialized in expansion, trafficking and effector functions. Immunity 48:364

4.Y. Tan#, J. L. Y. Li, B. T. K. Lee, J. Lum, Z. A. D. Pramono, M. Evrard, M. Poidinger, H. L. Tey, L. G. Ng*. 2018. Nanostring analysis of skin biopsies from patients with Henoch-Schönlein Purpura reveals genes associated with pathology and heterogeneity in the disease process. Acta Dermato-Venereologica doi: 10.2340/00015555-2914

5.C. C. Goh#*, M. Evrard, S. Z. Chong, Y. Tan, L. D. L. Tan, K. W. W. Teng, W. Weninger, D. L. Becker, H. L. Tey, E. W. Newell, B. Liu, L. G. Ng*. 2018. The impact of ischemia-reperfusion injuries on skin resident murine dendritic cells. European Journal of Immunology 48:1014

6.Y. Tan Y#, W. J. Ng, S. Z. X. Lee, T. K. Lee, L. A. Nattkemper, G. Yosipovitch, L. G. Ng*, Tey HL*. 2018. Three-dimensional optical clearing and imaging of pruritic atopic dermatitis and psoriasis skin reveals downregulation of epidermal innervation. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 139: 1201

7.J. L. Y. Li#*, C. C. Goh, L. G. Ng*. 2018. Imaging of Inflammatory Responses in the Mouse Ear Skin. Methods Mol Biol 1763:87

8.Y. Tan#*, J. L. Y. Li#*, C. C. Goh, B. T. K. Lee, I. W. H. Kwok, W. J. Ng, M. Evrard, M. Poidinger, H. L. Tey, L. G. Ng*. 2018. Streamlining volumetric multi-channel image cytometry using huesaturation-brightness based surface creation. Communications Biology 1:136

9.R. Bi#, U.S. Dinish, C. C. Goh, T. Imai, M. Moothanchery, X. Li, J. Y. Kim, S. Jeon, Y. Pu, C. Kim, L. G. Ng*, L. V. Wang*, M. Olivo*. 2019. In vivo label-free functional photoacoustic monitoring of ischemic reperfusion. J. Biophotonics doi:10.1002/jbio.201800454

10.Y. Tan#, C. P. L. Chiam, Y. Zhang, H. L. Tey, L. G. Ng*. 2020. Research Techniques Made Simple: Optical Clearing and Three-Dimensional Volumetric Imaging of Skin Biopsies. J Invest Dermatol 140(7):1305

11.Y. Tan#, N. Zhang, Y. Xia, B. T. Lee, L. G. Ng*, H. L. Tey*. 2020. Three-dimensional neuroanatomy of the intraepidermal nervous system. Br J Dermatol doi: 10.1111/bjd.18924

12.I. W. H. Kwok#*, E. Becht, Y. Xia, M. Ng, Y. C. Teh, L. Tan, M. Evrard, J. L.Y. Li, H. T. N. Tran, Y. Tan, D. Liu, A. Mishra, K. H. Liong, K. Leong, Y. Zhang, A. Olsson, C. K. Mantri, P. Shyamsunder, Z. Liu, C. Piot, C. A. Dutertre, H. Cheng, S. Bari, N. Ang, S. K. Biswas, H. P. Koeffler, H. L. Tey, A. Larbi, I. H. Su, B. Lee, A. St. John, J. K. Y. Chan, W. Y. K. Hwang, J. Chen, N. Salomonis, S. Z. Chong, H. L. Grimes, B. Liu, A. Hidalgo, E. W. Newell, T. Cheng, F. Ginhoux and L. G. Ng*. 2020. Combinatorial single-cell analyses of granulocyte-monocyte progenitor heterogeneity reveals an early uni-potent neutrophil progenitor. Immunity 53(2): 303

13.C. Shih#, L. Tan L#, J. L. Y. Li, Tan Y, H. Cheng, L. G. Ng*. Intravital Imaging of Bone Marrow Microenvironment in the Mouse Calvaria and Tibia. 2021. Methods Mol Biol 2308:177

14.Teh#, Y. C., Chooi, M. Y., Liu, D., Kwok, I., Lai, G. C., Ayub Ow Yong, L., Ng, M., Li, J., Tan, Y., Evrard, M., Tan, L., Liong, K. H., Leong, K., Goh, C. C., Chan, A., Shadan, N. B., Mantri, C. K., Hwang, Y. Y., Cheng, H., Cheng, T.,Yu W., Tey H. L, Larbi A., St John A., Angeli V., Ruedl C., Lee B., Ginhoux F., Chen S., Ng L. G.*, Ding J. L.*, Chong, S. Z*. 2022. Transitional premonocytes emerge in the periphery for host defense against bacterial infections. Science advances, 8(9), eabj4641. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abj4641

15.S. Z. Chong#*, M. Evrard, C. C. Goh, L. G. Ng*. 2017. Illuminating the covert mission of mononuclear phagocytes in their regional niches. Curr Opin Immunol. 50:94

16.L. G. Ng#, R. Otsuni* and A. Hidalgo*. 2019. Heterogeneity of neutrophils. Nat Rev Immunol 19:255

17.L. G. Ng#*. 2019. Neutrophil: a mobile fertilizer. J Exp Med 216:4 (Insights article)

18.L. Yvan-Charvet L#*, L. G. Ng*. 2019. Granulopoiesis and neutrophil homeostasis: A metabolic, daily balancing act. Trends Immunol 40: 598

19.Y. R. Tan#, H. L. Tey, S. Z. Chong*, L. G. Ng*. 2021. Skin-ny deeping: Uncovering immune cell behavior and function through imaging techniques. Immunol Rev: doi: 10.1111/imr.13049

20.M. S. F. Ng#*, L. Tan, Q. Wang, C. R. Mackay, L. G. Ng*. 2021. Neutrophils in cancer-unresolved questions. Sci China Life Sci 64: 1829

21.N. Husna#, N. R. J. Gascoigne, H. L. Tey, L. G. Ng*, Y. Tan*. 2019. Multi-modal image cytometry approach - From dynamic to whole organ imaging. Cell Immunol: doi: 10.1016/j.cellimm.2019.103946

22.Ng L. G#*. 2022. Neutrophils guide pre-existing matrix into injured organs to initiate tissue repair. Nature immunology, 23(4), 472–473. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41590-022-01173-7